It’s time to start viewing marketing as an investment.
Your business has a solid plan and product. The only problem is your marketing. What can you do when no one knows you or your business’ brand?
In this week’s episode, Jim Stewart of Your Local Network talks effective marketing strategies and more with Laura!

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Thank you for listening, and don’t forget, Credits With Coffee will be back with more great guests, so make sure you subscribe below!
More About Your Local Network
Located in Chester County, Pennsylvania, Your Local Network is partnered with N-Compass TV, a leader in the DOOH industry, and the largest Indoor Billboard Network in the country.
Your Local Network connects businesses to customers by creating a Network of screens that have our Indoor Digital Billboard in their location.
These screens display ads about the business hosting the screen, ads for local businesses in the area, and relevant local content.
Guest Links
Learn more about Your Local Network!
Meet the Host!
On Monday, May 20, you’ll get the opportunity to hear Laura Berry speak live at Financial Rewards for Innovation, a Masterminds of Malvern and West Chester event.

Companies investing in new product development could be eligible for both Federal and PA R&D tax credits.
Learn how to be compensated for the work you’ve already done over a delicious lunch! This is a free event meant to educate and share industry knowledge with our business community.
Get Your Tickets Now:
Can’t Get Enough of Credits with Coffee?
Then have another cup! You can listen to more episodes here: