
  • California Tax Credits for Businesses

    California businesses can take advantage of a number of tax credit programs. Innovative companies can also access a Federal and state R&D tax credit. The Golden State is filled with sun, sand, and booming industries. Businesses in California looking to grow have many tools to choose from in order to achieve this goal. California tax…

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  • Are There Tax Credits for Innovation in Business?

    Creating new products can be costly, but there are tax credits for innovation in business. Research and development (R&D) tax credits are incredibly useful tools that can provide relief to companies with large tax burdens. Our team member, Laura Berry, explains in the webinar below how these R&D tax credit programs work and how you…

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  • Reduce Your Business Expenses in 2024

    You started your business to make money, but what can you do when your expenses start piling up? While business expenses are a necessary cost to running an enterprise, there are ways to reduce your costs. In this article, you’ll learn about common business expenses and steps you can take to save money overall. What…

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