tax credits

  • California businesses can take advantage of a number of tax credit programs. Innovative companies can also access a Federal and state R&D tax credit. The Golden State is filled with sun, sand, and booming industries. Businesses in California looking to grow have many tools to choose from in order to achieve this goal. California tax…

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  • Creating new products can be costly, but there are tax credits for innovation in business. Research and development (R&D) tax credits are incredibly useful tools that can provide relief to companies with large tax burdens. Our team member, Laura Berry, explains in the webinar below how these R&D tax credit programs work and how you…

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  • You started your business to make money, but what can you do when your expenses start piling up? While business expenses are a necessary cost to running an enterprise, there are ways to reduce your costs. In this article, you’ll learn about common business expenses and steps you can take to save money overall. What…

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  • Wherever you find a set a rules, you’re sure to find a loophole. The most sought after of these almost mythical treasures are tax loopholes. Most business owners want to find ways to reduce their payments to Uncle Sam, but loopholes aren’t always the best option. In this article, you’ll learn about tax loopholes and…

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  • Tax time can be confusing, especially when it comes to tax credits vs deductions. How do these financial tools benefit business owners? In this article, you’ll find that both credits and deductions are essential for businesses large and small. Keep reading to learn more about credits, deductions, and how you can pay less in taxes.…

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  • Business owners investing in new product development could be paying too much in taxes. Research and development (R&D) tax credits can reduce your overall tax payment. It’s said that nothing is certain but death and taxes. The Federal and your state government claim their fair share at tax time and do many important things with…

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  • When submitting an invention to the Patent Office, working with a patent illustrator is essential for success. You have a brilliant idea for an invention. The only problem is that you don’t have an artistic bone in your body and can’t show people what your creation will look like. Thankfully, this week’s guest is Elliot…

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  • Developing a new product? Learn how Federal and PA R&D tax credits could save your company thousands of dollars. Are you investing in new products or innovations? Your work could qualify for an R&D tax credit! This financial incentive allows start-ups and mature companies to confidently explore new ideas. A Masterminds of Malvern & West…

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  • Way Less Risk

    Insurance can dramatically reduce your risk, especially in the cannabis industry. Risk is an inevitable part of business, but for entrepreneurs in the cannabis industry there seems to be more going around than anyone wants. Matthew Johnson of AssuredPartners is here to help cultivators and dispensaries reduce their risk and support them when needed. Today,…

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  • We Can Grow Together

    Our team is coming together to spread knowledge and share the love this month. Read about our community sponsorship initiatives, animation in business, and more. Knowledge is power. That’s why the Bowers R&D Associates team takes steps to ensure innovative entrepreneurs have the knowledge they need to grow and make the best business decisions. Through…

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